Marcia Mumbles...

and rambles, talks about things that no one else is interested in, and thinks she's smart (sometimes) and funny (usually). And I love coffee. Mmm... coffee. I also love the whole "..." thing. Just get used to it, okay?

Friday, January 27, 2006

Peek A Boo - I Googled You!

I'm in a "I love you guys" kinda mood. So expect phone calls and emails. I had a great meeting this morning with my MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers..more on this another time) group, and it reminded me of what an amazing group of friends that I have. I've decided (again) to make a serious effort to reconnect. Isn't this like an every four months thing with me? Anyway, I've been googling you. It's fun!

Of course, I had to google myself. I know, it's vain. But we all do it. Nobody ever admits it though. There are no entries for "Marcia Zitzelman." (Well, I suppose there will be one now.. hahaha!) Guess that's what happens when you change your name. Yes, I officially changed my name back in August. It made Phil happy, and it hasn't been as painful as I expected.

Have you heard of this game called "googlewhacking?" I guess I'm now a googlewhack. Quick, go register me!

And congrats to Zak for having a listing on! You're officially Hollywood! BTW, you need to update your info. I know you've been busier than that!