Marcia Mumbles...

and rambles, talks about things that no one else is interested in, and thinks she's smart (sometimes) and funny (usually). And I love coffee. Mmm... coffee. I also love the whole "..." thing. Just get used to it, okay?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Congratulations! You have just purchased the following tickets:

Sat Aug 8 2009 07:30 PM Phish, Gorge Amphitheatre
Number of tickets: 2, GENERAL ADMISSION
Ticket Delivery: UPS 2nd Day Air (Domestic)
Fri Aug 7 2009 07:30 PM Phish, Gorge Amphitheatre
Number of tickets: 2, GENERAL ADMISSION
Ticket Delivery: UPS 2nd Day Air (Domestic)

I'm so excited, and "2001" is running through my head! (Which is a little odd, seeing that it's not one of my favorite songs) But either way - Waa-hooo!!

Dance o' Dance! Dancing a little dance...


  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger gerrycammy said…

    Dude... we should have gotten out tickets through you.

    I hate ticketbastard...


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