Marcia Mumbles...

and rambles, talks about things that no one else is interested in, and thinks she's smart (sometimes) and funny (usually). And I love coffee. Mmm... coffee. I also love the whole "..." thing. Just get used to it, okay?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This Weekend Has Three Acts (6/10/08)

Wow - found this draft that I meant to post back on the 10th - so here it is...

Act 1 - Stolen Identity

So someone out there is wasting entirely too much time and effort creating faux debit cards and vandalizing innocent folks sense of financial security and sense of self. Thankfully, our CU has a great fraud detection unit, and we were notified before it was too bad - but we've been dealing with the aftermath most of the week, and spent all of Saturday morning at the CU working on paperwork.

As my wondeful Zak said - for people who are smart enough to figure out how to run these schemes - they could do much better for themselves if they had an honest job.

Act 2 - Restoration of Self

Speaking of my wonderful Zak - he was in Oly for a quick surprise visit to his folks, and I was lucky enough to steal him late Saturday evening. We watched a movie, went for dessert, and had a great time. They have these devices you can check out at the theaters - and essentially you're the "hall monitor of movie ettiquette." I knew he would get a kick out of it! He's a great "shhhh-er." Too bad it didn't have a "plot ruiner" button. Even though I only saw him for about four hours, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I can't believe we've been friends for 16 years... no one other than family has tolerated me this long.

Act 3 - Ophelia Found

Sunday afternoon, another of my wonderful friends, Cammy, came down to Oly and we went to see the play "Reviving Ophelia" - an adaptation of the book. If I remember correctly, Cammy and I read the book around the same time in college. It was a great time, and a good reminder. I will have to re-read this as soon as I'm done with "Lies My Teacher Told Me."


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