Marcia Mumbles...

and rambles, talks about things that no one else is interested in, and thinks she's smart (sometimes) and funny (usually). And I love coffee. Mmm... coffee. I also love the whole "..." thing. Just get used to it, okay?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

1st Day of School - 9/3/08

Matthew is three, and now in a pre-school program at his daycare. What a big day!

Of course, he has a Thomas the Train backpack.

A little bit of Mom Bragging:
On the way out to the car, we saw a fuzzy catepillar (I'm sure that's the scientific name..fuzzy). Matthew was fascinated, and thought it was sooo cool. I asked him what does a catepillar grow up to be, and he said a butterfly! How in the world do they know and remember these things already, at 3 years and 7 days? Not only is he beautiful, he's a super genius! Or at least he is in Mommy's eyes.