Marcia Mumbles...

and rambles, talks about things that no one else is interested in, and thinks she's smart (sometimes) and funny (usually). And I love coffee. Mmm... coffee. I also love the whole "..." thing. Just get used to it, okay?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ND Prairie Photo

Photo borrowed from

Wagons Ho!

So we're taking the whole herd "home" to North Dakota.

Oh yes, the whole herd. My boys (yes, Phil is included as one of my boys), my parents, and my brother. In one car. 1449 miles each way, not including stops or historic monuments. This should be interesting, and "blog-able."

Don't get me wrong.. I love the concept. Spending time with family, celebrating my grandparents' 60th Anniversary (pretty amazing, huh?), seeing distant cousins - these are all good things. I just hope we're all on our best behavior.

We're leaving in just a few hours, so I should get some sleep.